Psicoanalista americano.
Training psicoanalitico, dal 1953 al 1961, al Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute con Hanna Heilborn-Fenichel.
Sex and gender: On the development of masculinity and feminity (1968).
Splitting: A case of female masculinity (1973).
Perversion: The erotic form of hatred (1975).
Sexual excitement: dynamics of erotic life (1979).
Observing the erotic imagination (1985).
Presentations of gender (1985).
Pain and Passion: An Ethnography of Consensual Sadomasochism (1991)
Robert J. Stoller (in inglese)
Robert J. Stoller (in inglese)
Robert J. Stoller (in inglese)
Necrologio (in inglese)