Person Spector Ethel

Si forma come psicoanalista al Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research di New York dove svolge attività di training e supervisione.
Insegna Psichiatria Clinica alla Columbia University.
Tra i suoi lavori figurano Dreams of Love and Fateful Encounters: The Power of Romantic Love e By Force of Fantasy: How We Live Our Lives.

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Ethel S. Person (in tedesco)

PUBLIC LIVES; From a Psychoanalyst, Lessons in Independence (articolo del New York Times del 2 luglio 2003 che inizia:ONCE upon a time, more than three decades ago, when Dr. Ethel Spector Person’s homosexual patients entered analysis, they hoped to emerge as heterosexuals…)

Love Triangles From our infantile bond with Mother through the Oedipal struggles of childhood to the temptation and pain of adultery, the play between pairings and triangles is lifelong, by Ethel S. Person

Long Island Q&A: Dr. Ethel S. Person;The Good and Bad of Indulging in Fantasy and Daydreaming

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