Psicodrammatista nordamericana e fondatrice dell’International Children’s Summer Programs.
Dal 1962 fino al suo ritiro insegna Psicologia all’Università di Cincinanti e Psicologia (Psicodramma) all’Università del Maine.
Pubblica, nel 1958, Twitchell-Allen three-dimensional personality test: A 1958 revised guide for administration and recording e, nel 1978, Social learning in the schools through psychodrama (testo disponibile in pdf preceduto dal seguente Abstract: Psychodrama is the acting out of difficult situations one has experienced. It gives the actors and spectators the chance to try out alternative solutions to problem situations. When these problems are acted out, the actors become better acquainted with themselves and their peers. This awareness becomes a dominant determinant of future behavior. This booklet outlines a teacher workshop that focuses on the use of psychodrama in the elementary school classroom. The effects of this technique on the teachers and students are depicted through the interpretation of several sessions).
Doris Twitchell Allen (in inglese)
Doris Twitchell Allen (in inglese)