Van Deurzen-Smith Emmy

Psicoterapeuta esistenziale, di origine olandese, attiva in Gran Bretagna.
Fonda la Society for Existential Analysis e l’International Collaborative for Existential Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
Crea a Londra due istituti di training per l’approccio psicoterapeutico esistenziale: Regent’s College e The New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling alla Schiller International University.

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Everyday Mysteries: Existential Dimensions of Psychotherapy (1997, riedito 2006)
Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy (1998),
Existential Counselling and Psychotherapy in Practice (2a ediz. 2002)
Dictionary of Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling, (in collaborazione con R. Kenward (2005)
(a cura di, in collaborazione con C. Arnold-Baker), Existential Perspectives on Human Issues: a Handbook for Practice (2005)
Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness (2008)

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Emmy van Deurzen (in inglese)

Emmy van Deurzen (in inglese)

Existential Psychotherapy and Existential Pioneers

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