Psicoanalista inglese. Fa analisi didattica con Fairbairn. Successivamente fa un’analisi con Winnicott. Il resoconto delle due analisi compare nel nr 77 dell’International Journal of Psycho-Analysis.
Harry Guntrip (sintesi in inglese)
Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy, and the Self: A Basic Guide to the Human Personality in Freud, Erikson, Klein, Sullivan, Fairbairn, Hartmann, Jacobson, and Winnicott, Karnac Books, 1985.
Schizoid Phenomena, Object-Relations, and the Self, Karnac Books, 1992.
Personality Structure and Human Interaction, 1961, Karnac Books, 1995.
Hazell, J., H.J.S.Guntrip: A Psychoanalytical Biography, Free Association Books, 1986.
Trevor M. Dobbs, Faith, Theology, and Psychoanalysis: The Life and Thought of Harry S. Guntrip, 2007.