Archivio storico

Archivio storico di psicologia dinamica

Isidor Sadger, Recollecting Freud, edited and introduced by Alan Dundes, 2005

Manfred Pohlen, In analisi con Freud. I verbali delle sedute di Ernst Blum del 1922, 2009 (2006)

Freud and the Child Woman: The Memoirs of Fritz Wittels, edited by Edward Timms, 1995

Paul Roazen, How Freud worked. First-Hand Accounts of Patients, 1995

Richard Sterba, Reminiscences of a Viennese Psychoanalyst, 1982

F. Alexander – S. Eisenstein – M. Grotjahn (a cura di), Psychoanalytic Pioneers, 1966 (nuova ed. 1995)

Freud as we knew him, edited by Hendrik M. Ruitenbeek, 1973

Robert Coles, Anna Freud. The Dream of Psychoanalysis, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge (Mass.), 1992

Edward Bibring photographs the Psychoanalysts of His Time, 1932-1938, 2005

Elizabeth Roudinesco, La bataille de cent ans. Histoire de la psychanalyse en France, vol. 1, 1982

Elizabeth Roudinesco, La bataille de cent ans. Histoire de la psychanalyse en France, vol. 2, 1986

Gerhard Wittenberger, Das “Geheime Komitee” Sigmund Freuds. Institutionalisierungsprozesse in der Psychoanalytischen Bewegung zwischen 1912 und 1927, 1995

Phyllis Grosskurth, The Secret Ring. Freud’s Inner Circle and the Politics of Psychoanalysis, 1991

Arnold William Rachman, Sándor Ferenczi. The Psychotherapist of Tenderness and Passion, 1997

Giorgio Antonelli, Il mare di Ferenczi. La storia, il pensiero, la tecnica di un maestro della psicoanalisi, 1997

Eva Brabant-Gerö, Ferenczi et l’ècole hongroise de la psychanalyse, 1993

Paul Harmat, Freud, Ferenczi und die ungarische Psychoanalyse, edition diskord, 1986 (ed. tedesca 1988)

Uwe Henrik Peters, Psychiatrie im Exil. Die Emigration der Dynamischen Psychiatrie aus Deutschland 1933-1939, 1992

Marina Leitner, Ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis. Die Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Behandlungs-Technik von den Anfängen in Wien bis zur Gründung der Bertliner Poliklinik im Jahr 1920, 2001

Russell Jacoby, Il disagio della psicoanalisi. Otto Fenichel e i freudiani politicizzati, 1987 (1983)

Geoffrey Cocks, Psicoterapia nel Terzo Reich, 1988 (1985)

Michel David, La psicoanalisi nella cultura italiana, 1966 (nuova edizione: 1990)

Archivio storico di psicologia dinamica: Le biografie

Elke Muehlleitner, Biographisches Lexicon der Psychoanalyse, 1992

Francis Clark-Lowes, Freud’s Apostle – Wilhelm Stekel and the Early History of Psychoanalysis, 2011

Edward Hoffman, Ein Leben für die Individualpsychologie

Hilda Abraham, Mio padre Karl Abraham

Célia Bertin, Marie Bonaparte, 1982

Albrecht Hirschmüller, The Life and Works of Josef Breuer, 1989 (1978)

Paul Roazen, Helene Deutsch. A Psychoanalyst’s Life, 1985

Helene Deutsch, Confrontations with myself. An epilogue, 1973

F. Dolto, Autoportrait d’une psychanalyste 1934-1988

Mary Kay O’Neil, The unsung Psychoanalyst. The quiet influence of Ruth Easser, 2004

John D. Sutherland, Fairbairn’s Journey into the Interior, 1989

Mühlleitner Elke, Ich – Fenichel. Das Leben eines Psychoanalytikers im 20. Jahrhundert, 2008

Michael Fordham, Divenire un analista junghiano, 2005 (1993)

Elizabeth Young-Bruehl, Anna Freud, 1988

Gail A. Hornstein, To Redeem One Person is to Redeem the World. The Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, 2000

John Gedo, Spleen and Nostalgia. A Life and Work in Psychoanalysis, 1997

Hazell, J., H.J.S.Guntrip: A Psychoanalytical Biography, 1986

Trevor M. Dobbs, Faith, Theology, and Psychoanalysis: The Life and Thought of Harry S. Guntrip, 2007

Ulrike May-Elke Muhlleitner, Edith Jacobson, Sie selbst und die Welt ihrer Objekte. Leben, Werk, Erinnerungen, 2005

Vincent Brome, Ernest Jones.Freud’s Alter Ego, 1982

Brenda Maddox, Freud’s Wizard: Ernest Jones and the Transformation of Psychoanalysis, 2006

Biografie di Jung, Judy Cooper, Speak of Me as I Am: The Life and Work of Masud Khan, 1993

R. Willoughby, Masud Khan: The Myth and the Reality, 2005

Linda Hopkins, False Self: The Life of Masud Khan, 2006

Phyllis Grosskurth, Melanie Klein. Il suo mondo e il suo lavoro, 1988 (1987)

Charles B. Strozier, Heinz Kohut. Biografia di uno psicoanalista, 2005 (2001)

Alma Halbert Bond, Margaret Mahler. A Biography of the Psychoanalyst, 2008

Edward Hoffman, Maslow: The Right to be Human, 1988

Bernd Bocian, Fritz Perls in Berlin 1893–1933 — Expressionismus, Psychoanalyse, Judentum, 2007 (tradotto in inglese e in italiano)

Paul Roazen and Bluma Swedloff, Heresy. Sandor Rado and the Psychoanalytic Movement, 1995

Leo Rangell, My Life in Theory, 2004

Jessie Taft, Otto Rank. A Biographical Study based on Notebooks, Letters, Collected Writings, Therapeutic Achievements and Personal Associations, 1958

E. J. Lieberman, Acts of Will. The Life and Work of Otto Rank, 1985

Wilhelm Reich, Passioni di gioventù. Un’autobiografia 1897-1922, 1990 (1988)

Wilhelm Reich., Beyond Psychology. Letters and journals 1934-1939, 1994

Wilhelm Reich., American Odyssey. Letters and Journals 1040-1947, 1999

Myron Sharaf, Fury on Earth. A Biography of Wilhelm Reich, 1983

H. F. Peters, Mia sorella, mia sposa. La vita di Lou Andreas – Salomé, 1962 (Mondadori, 1980)

Julia Vickers, Lou von Salome: A Biography of the Woman Who Inspired Freud, Nietzsche and Rilke, 2008

S. Spielrein, Tagebuch und Briefe. Die Frau zwischen Jung und Freud, 2003

Paul Roazen, Edoardo Weiss. The House that Freud Built, 2005

F. Robert Rodman, Winnicott. Vita e opere, 2004 (2003)

Letteratura psicodinamica della dissidenza

Handlbauer Bernhard, The Freud-Adler Controversy, 1998 (1990)

Jessie Taft, Otto Rank. A Biographical Study based on Notebooks, Letters, Collected Writings, Therapeutic Achievements and Personal Associations 1958

E. James Lieberman, The Life and Work of Otto Rank, 1985

Giorgio Antonelli, Al di là della psicoanalisi. Otto Rank, 2008

Esther Menaker, Otto Rank. A Rediscovered Legacy, 1982

Esther Menaker, Misplaced Loyalties, 1989 (ripubblicato 1995)

Luigi De Marchi, Otto Rank. Pioniere misconosciuto, 1992

Reich parla di Freud, SugarCo, Milano, 1967

Léon Chertok – Isabelle Stengers, Il cuore e la ragione. L’ipnosi come problema da Lavoisier a Lacan, 1991 (1989)

Charles B. Strozier, Heinz Kohut. Biografia di uno psicoanalista, 2005 (2001)

Jaap Boos- Leendert Groenendijk, The Self-Marginalization of Wilhelm Stekel. Freudian Circles Inside and Out, 2007

The Autobiography of Wilhelm Stekel. The Life Story of a Pioneer Psychoanalyst, edited by Emil A. Gutheil, 1950

Arnold William Rachman, Sándor Ferenczi. The Psychotherapist of Tenderness and Passion, 1997

Giorgio Antonelli, Il mare di Ferenczi. La storia, il pensiero, la tecnica di un maestro della psicoanalisi, 1997

Paul Roazen, Brother Animal. The Story of Freud and Tausk, 1969

Hitchcock Susan Tyler, Karen Horney: Pioneer of Feminine Psychology, 2004

B. J. Paris, Karen Horney. A Psychoanalytic Search for Self-Understanding, 1994

Thomas B. Kirsch, The Jungians. A Comparative and Historical Perspective, 2000

C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff. A Collection of Remembrances

The Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco, 1982

Aldo Carotenuto, Jung e la cultura italiana, 1977

Archivio storico di psicologia dinamica: Letteratura epistolare

Correspondances de Freud, 2007

Sigmund Freud-Anna Freud, Briefwechsel 1904-1938, 2006

Lettere tra Freud e Jung, 1974

S. Freud – S. Ferenczi, Briefwechsel (tre volumi, 6 tomi)

Sigmund Freud- Karl Abraham 1907-1925, Briefwechsel (2 voll.) 2009

Lettere alla fidanzata e ad altri corrispondenti 1873-1939, 1990

Lieberman, E. J. – Kramer, R., The Letters of Sigmund Freud & Otto Rank. Inside Psychoanalysis., 2012

Sigmund Freud- Ludwig Binswanger, Briefwechsel 1908-1938

Sigmund Freud- Max Eitingon, Briefwechsel 1906-1939 2004 (in due volumi)

Eros e conoscenza. Lettere tra Freud e Lou Andreas Salomé 1912-1936, 1990

Psicoanalisi e fede, Lettere tra Freud e il pastore Pfister 1909-1939, 1990

Carteggio Freud-Groddeck, 1979

S. Freud – A. Zweig, Lettere sullo sfondo di una tragedia (1927-1939), 2000

Briefe an Eva Rosenfeld, 1992 Anna Freud.

Henri Vermorel-Madeleine Vermorel, Sigmund Freud et Romain Rolland: correspondance 1923-1936, 1993

Edoardo Weiss, Sigmund Freud come consulente, 1970

Freud, S. – Nikolaj J. Ossipow, Briefwechsel 1921-1929

Analyzing Freud. Letters of H. D., Bryher, and Their Circle, 2002

Freud, S.,, Unterdeß halten wir zusammen: Briefe an die Kinder, 2010

“… als käm ich heim zu Vater und Schwester”, Lou Andreas Salomé – Anna Freud, Briefwechsel 1919-1937

John, C. Burnham, Jelliffe: American Psychoanalyst and Physician. His Correspondence with Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung, 1983

S. Ferenczi – G. Groddeck, Briefwechsel 1921-1933, 1986

The Selected Correspondence of Karl A. Menninger 1919-1945, 1988.

La correspondance Ernest Jones/Michael Balint, Le Coq-Héron 177/2004

Wittenberger, G. – Tögel, Chr. (a cura di), Die Rundbrierfe des “Geheimen Komitees”, edition diskord, 4 volumi pubblicati, 1999-2006

Otto Fenichel, 119 Rundbriefe, (2 voll.)

Helmut Junker, Unter Übermenschen: Freud & Ferenczi. Die Geschichte einer Beziehung in Briefen, 1997

Wilhelm Reich., Beyond Psychology. Letters and journals 1934-1939, 1994

Record of a Friendship, The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and A. S. Neill 1936-1957, 1981

Wilhelm Reich., American Odyssey. Letters and Journals 1040-1947, 1999

Jessie Taft, Otto Rank. A Biographical Study based on Notebooks, Letters, Collected Writings, Therapeutic Achievements and Personal Associations, 1958

Paul Roazen and Bluma Swedloff, Heresy. Sandor Rado and the Psychoanalytic Movement, 1995 (Include lo scambio epistolare di Rado con Freud)

Marie Bonaparte et la psychanalyse à travers ses lettres à René Laforgue et les images de son temps, présenté par Jean-Pierre Bourgeron, 1993

Bloomsbury/Freud. The Letters of James and Alix Strachey 1924-1925, edited by Perry Meisel and Walter Kendrick, 1985

The Jung-White Letters, edited by Ann Conrad Lammers and Adrian Cunningham – Consultant Editor Murray Stein, 2007

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